This lot is a credit card-only lot and offers the first 15 minutes of the first hour as a free grace period. This pricing method rolls over into the next day and repeats every day you are parked. After that grace period, a dollar is charged for every half an hour of parking thereafter until the daily rate of $9.00 is reached. Just as with Short-Term Parking, the first 15 minutes of the first hour is a grace period that is completely free of charge. After that grace period, a dollar is charged for every half an hour of parking thereafter until the daily rate of $14.00 is reached.

The first 15 minutes of the first hour is a grace period that is completely free of charge. Over one thousand parking spaces are available between the lots. All lots are conveniently located directly adjacent to the terminal and are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There are three lots available for parking at TRI, the Short-Term Parking Lot, the Long-Term Parking Lot, and the Long-Term Express Parking Lot. Let’s break down the parking fees at the Tri-Cities Airport. It doesn’t matter if you’ll be gone for a few days or a few weeks, vacation or business, let On Air Parking find you the greatest off-airport parking deals for your next trip. We can be found at major airports all around the country, and service at Tri-Cities Airport (TRI) is no exception. On Air Parking is dedicated to bringing you cheap airport parking that won’t cause any unnecessary headache or stress and will definitely not break the bank.